A equipa do GIAA agradece aos alunos e professores
presentes no Ciclo de Cinema sobre os Direitos Humanos.
Consideramos que foram globalmente atingidos os objetivos
definidos e já estamos a pensar no próximo ciclo de cinema, a realizar no final
do 2º período.
E como eco desta iniciativa, aqui fica a apreciação dos
alunos do 11ºI.
A plateia |
" In the end love overcame all the barriers"
In the “Area de Integração” and English classes of the 11th December, the students of 11th I watched the movie “Slumdog Millionaire”. The activity “ Five days, Five movies” was organized by GIAA and started on December 10, the day it is celebrated the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
In the “Area de Integração” and English classes of the 11th December, the students of 11th I watched the movie “Slumdog Millionaire”. The activity “ Five days, Five movies” was organized by GIAA and started on December 10, the day it is celebrated the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The story is based on true events of the
Mumbai’s people’s life.
The plot is about the abuse of human
rights, mainly children’s rights. Jamal,
Salim and Latika, like many other Indian children, didn’t have the right to
education, to health, to entertainment or happiness and they had to suffer in
order to be happy.
These children were constantly abused by
people with power but in the end love overcame all the barriers.
The class considers the movie was worth
watching and it was a good way to debate ideas on such an important issue.
The students of 11th I
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